What you see above is the new loading system. Previously the core loaded the mods and server functionality through different systems. Now the system is unified; both mods and server functionality use the same loading mechanism. It has been updated to conform with the new programming language standards.
This is what a mod will look like. Metadata is the usual properties you found in the old mod system. Classes is like the “src” property from the old mod system, but now you have much more power over what is loaded in. This is a more complex example, normal mods will just need to copy-paste the template mod, and modify where required.
Keep in mind that all of this is a prototype, work in progress. This can change at any time during development.
At last, 2 more features to announce upcoming with SPT-AKI 1.0.0: random bot generation and random loot generation, both based on ID's rather than presets. This allows us to us less data to have much more variety in generated bots and location loot. In addition, bot appearance can be configured per location by modders. Spawn gluhar on factory with a different look? Entirely possible!
最后,SPT-AKI 1.0.0还将发布两个新特性:随机机器人生成和随机战利品生成,都是基于ID而不是预设。这使得我们可以用更少的数据来生成更多的机器人和位置战利品。此外,机器人的外观可以配置每个位置的modders。在工厂里用不同的外观衍生gluhar ?完全有可能!
I am tired and physically in pain but my soul is very bright. I am very happy with the results of the prototype. We finally start to get a vision on what the final product will look like, and I am very proud of the result our collaberators put into it. While this huge update is mostly important for developers and modders, there are plenty of things normal users will enjoy too.
take care your self and be well .
senko your done very well ,
maybe use more time to keep health.
if lose the life ,that every thing will be gone !
you are the best!