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  • SPTarkov 动态EFT internals research: File integrity scanning

    Hello everyone!Today, I would like to cover 4 aspects of EFT's internals in 4 differen...
    Senko-san 1年前 1.77w 14 电脑端
    费里斯汀 2个月前

    SPTarkov 动态EFT internals research: Response caching

    Hello everyone!Today, I would like to cover 4 aspects of EFT's internals in 4 differen...
    Senko-san 1年前 1.6k 5 电脑端
    北滞 2个月前

    SPTarkov 动态EFT internals research: Payload encryption

    Hello everyone!Today, I would like to cover 4 aspects of EFT's internals in 4 differen...
    Senko-san 1年前 1.2k 2 电脑端
    jokesun 1年前

    SPTarkov 动态EFT internals research: Secured comminucation

    Hello everyone!It really has been a while!大家好!许久不见!While I sadly can't talk much about...
    Senko-san 1年前 4.8k 6 电脑端
    92NE7FA8 1年前

    SPTarkov 动态Documentation on EFT’s server behaviour 关于塔科夫服务器运作的文档一事

    @echo, as always, will need your help with translation for this article. You work is appri...
    Senko-san 1年前 2.27w 61 电脑端
    freshmoren 3个月前

    SPTarkov 动态Progress on 0.13.5 【13.5项目进度】

    @echoI'll need your translation skills for this one!好啦,Echo来了Hey everyone, been a whil...
    Senko-san 1年前 1.45w 98 电脑端
    1011042174 1年前

    SPTarkov 动态R&D 研发

    Hello everyone!大家好!Today I'll discuss progress on Haru, including technical research a...
    Senko-san 2年前 1.1w 29 电脑端
    NIKI 1年前

    SPTarkov 动态Difficulties 困难

    Hello everyone, Today I'll provide you with a highly technical post.大家好,今天我将为大家提供一个高度技...
    Senko-san 2年前 6.7k 6 电脑端
    入眼云烟 2年前

    SPTarkov 动态Update 更新

    Hello everyone!  [s-10] 大家好!  [s-10] Keeping it short today....
    Senko-san 2年前 6.2k 18 电脑端
    QwhiteQ 1年前

    SPTarkov 动态Modding in Haru 小春的修改

    Hi everyone!大家好!Today I want to discuss the state of Haru, show a sneak-peak of what moddi...
    Senko-san 2年前 9.2k 12 电脑端
    1610526945 2年前

    SPTarkov 动态Quick update

    Hello everyone! It's been a while. Today's post is gonna be a short one, I promise...
    Senko-san 2年前 1.9k 7 电脑端
    xuebi1441 2年前

    SPTarkov 动态sp-tarkov.com down

    Quick service announcement from the SPT team:SPT团队的快速服务公告:All websites (sp-tarkov.com, dev...
    Senko-san 2年前 5.4k 32 电脑端
    dingxiaobo2 2年前

    SPTarkov 动态把招工广告

    Yousa's singing (吉祥话【2021拜年纪单品】) and your cheering gave me the courage to work th...
    Senko-san 2年前 3.8k 13 电脑端
    娱乐alive 2年前

    SPTarkov 动态Update, Haru

    Hi! It really has been a long time.你好! 真的已经很久了。I'm surprised to see that the current ...
    Senko-san 2年前 2.7k 18 电脑端
    柒-柒 2年前

    SPTarkov 动态Important announcement

    Hello everyone, it really has been a while.大家好啊,离上次发帖已经有段时间了。Been busy both online as offl...
    Senko-san 2年前 7.2k 23 电脑端
    亦枫 2年前

    SPTarkov 动态隆重推出 CRYPT模组 Introducing CRYPT mod

    (翻译自@Sarix)Are you tired of having your work stolen?对自己的作品被盗用厌烦了吗?Seeing "businessman" sel...
    Senko-san 3年前 3.94w 27 电脑端
    13813901312 2年前

    SPTarkov 动态Happy new lunar year!

    In name of the SPT Team, I wish you all a belated happy new lunar year!May you, your famil...
    Senko-san 3年前 3.3k 29 电脑端
    777天祐777 3年前

    SPTarkov 动态关于开发联机端合法性的统一公告 Notice on legality of multiplayer server development

    (Machine translated for now,@Echowill translate this later!)(全文已翻译!)Hello everyone,大家好Sinc...
    Senko-san 3年前 16.83w 109 电脑端
    Pinkman 11个月前

    SPTarkov 动态Project Haru Source

    Hello everyone!大家好!Will keep it short as always  [s-15] 一如既往地长话短说 [s-15] So...
    Senko-san 3年前 5.1k 17 电脑端
    Sylph 3年前

    SPTarkov 动态Project Haru (春)

    Hello everyone!大家好!Another day another post, but today is a more special one.Or well... cl...
    Senko-san 3年前 6.8k 36 电脑端
    777天祐777 3年前
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