不要有中文路径,在登陆器的设置页面点 设置文件和缓存文件清除(打去验证补丁的,拜托全覆盖,别只替换一个EXE),避免卡松树页面。
不要开着加速器的全局模式玩离线版;离线版是纯本地化运行的模拟器, 不需要你加速减少延迟
玩 单人离线版,多备份存档(存档位置X:\SPT-AKI XXX\user\profiles),遇到坏档的问题自行还原备份。
请勿使用修改过的客户端玩 逃离塔科夫 线上版,也不要同时开着线上和离线,否则导致的一切后果自负。
从 SPT-AKI 1.4.0 血色边缘版开始,SPT项目组就不再对WIN7/8/8.1的老系统做系统兼容启动会直接闪退。
必须安装: |
.NET Framework 4.7.2 新人必装 .NET 5.0 Desktop Runtime (v5.0.0) 新人必装(部分MOD工具需要用到) .NET 6.0 Desktop Runtime (v6.0.4) 新人必装 (SPT-AKI 2.2.2或以上版本必装) |
感谢社友:坐标交叉的星云 编写: 感谢所有社友的分享 感谢社友:Wind_L 编写 |
【科普】【SPT-AKI】正式版(B系列,A系列通用) 安装教程 新人必看 离线修改教程版块 新人必看(认真看对修改很有帮助) 服务端配置详解(3.5.0) 新人必看 |
感谢社友们提供的各种方案: | 离线版疑难解答区“置顶帖”点击查看 新人必看 |
感谢社友:wowoka 分享: | 利用process lasso 优化内存,避免内存爆炸 游戏会闪退的建议挂载此软件 |
感谢社友:_物是人非 分享: | SPT-AKI管理器 一键更改端口/过验证/等(3.0.0开始请重命名服务器/登陆器EXE文件将“AKI.”删除) |
注意:从 SPT-AKI 1.4.0 血色边缘版开始,SPT项目组就不再对WIN7/8/8.1的老系统做系统兼容启动会直接闪退。
大小: 102554593 字节
MD5: 68820E7AAD888B3B05E25802C8DC39A7
SHA1: 1E3C7A242F99EED530C85785B9CB86836B395D5E
CRC32: 92811903
SPT项目组在“3.7.0BE”10月5日第二次更新中往服务端里加了PNPM,本地使用JSON5 JSONC 等功能.(详情请自行查看3.7.0BE的更新日志)
客户端 :
(SPT-AKI 3.7.4 Release-26535 – Hotfix 1 使用 客户端)
官方下载链接: 客户端 (请右键复制下载链接,使用迅雷/IDM之类的软件下载)
百度云盘分流: 客户端 由社友 飲歲Yelsai 提供分流
百度云盘分流: 客户端 由社友 TTTTTTTT 提供分流
迅雷云盘分流:失效 由社友 飲歲Yelsai 提供分流 被恶意举报
迅雷云盘分流:失效 由社友 TTTTTTTT 提供分流 被恶意举报
大小: 23261176527 字节
MD5: ABBB5017E28D419057709C938D043842
SHA1: 3B925C2D808A9CC01E36369912857A06BF94FEAE
SPT-AKI 永远不会正式实施任何多人游戏或合作游戏功能。
以下是 SPT 团队不会考虑实施合作游戏的几个原因:
有悖于 SPT 的目标,即允许离线(单人)进行 EFT,与他人一起游戏从来都不是目标,因此该项目被命名为”单人塔可夫”。
SPT 是对 EFT 离线突袭模式的修改,在突袭后会保存配置文件数据。
“SPT 服务器”只是一个将个人资料保存到硬盘的系统,同时还模拟了贸易商、跳蚤市场、藏身处等。
BattleState Games 是 EFT 的开发商,如果加入 COOP,他们很可能会在巨大的法律压力下废除该项目。SPT 将立即停止存在。
SPT 以外的人曾多次尝试创建 COOP 系统,但都因其复杂性而失败。
3.7.4 更新日志:
Hotfix 1:
Added missing locales for new The Punisher – Harvest quest
Fixed flea categories not showing the correct value sometimes
Fixed the launcher sometimes allowing you to reach the profile screen without being connected to the server
Silenced a warning message that appears when generating loot for streets
RARE: Sometimes you'll start a map with no extracts, the only way to escape is to press alt+f4
Some quests need PMCs to spawn in map locations with no bot spawns, making them impossible to complete (e.g. kill x PMCs in scav fortress/base)
Selecting the overview tab as a scav can break your client – workaround: alt+f4 to escape
Your active flea offers are marked as expired when the server is offline and items are returned in the mail
Flea categories don't always show the correct number of offers when filtering by item
Extracts are not the same as live, scavs can spawn in PMC spots
The server will not load when placed in a folder path containing Unicode characters (Japanese and Korean characters especially)
Looting a PMC dogtag doesn't always show their name on the post-raid kill screen
Some high level quests have trader assort unlocks with placeholder prices
Insured quest items that are consumed in a quest can be returned to the player
Oleg's Journal quest item ((Glory to CPSU – Part 2)) appears in multiple locations
BSG have blacklisted a lot of high-level items from the flea. You can disable this blacklist by using a mod/editing configs/ragfair.json/dynamic/blacklist/enableBsgList/false
Rogues are insanely difficult, their behavior is the same as live
Tagging items in raid with special characters, e.g. , or ” can corrupt the profile on exiting the raid
Using horde mode on maps such as Customs will cause large numbers of sniper scavs to spawn together in clumps, avoid using horde mode on all maps except factory
Receive All shows when nothing can be collected from mail
The first time you turn the generator on inside the hideout causes a bug where the client asks for it to be switched off instead of on, clicking the power button on/off again fixes this
Completing some quests does not immediately open up another quest. Some quests have multi-hour waits before appearing on a traders quest page
Buying an equipment preset that contains a weapon does not purchase the weapon base, only the attachments.
Ensure you have Show only functional items un-ticked
When in a trader buy screen, purchasing an item causes the players inventory filter icons to stop working
Add scav raid start time simulation
Scav raids have a high likelihood of being shorter than a PMC raid
Loot being taken by other players is simulated, the later you start the less loot there is
Raid exits may not be available (e.g. trains)
Added new event quest The Punisher – Harvest
Added Peacekeeper ammo assort purchases upon completion of The Punisher – Harvest (needs event quests enabled via quest.json/showNonSeasonalEventQuests)
Added PP-91-01 “Kedr-B” 9x18PM submachine gunto PMC weapon pool
Added chance PMCs spawn at start of Reserve raid in random zones throughout map
Profiles made with the same minor version do not show warning/orange color change in launcher
Removed quest started message when accepting a repeatable quest (now matches live behavior)
Improved handling of failed quests being restarted
Fixed a Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'filter') error when exiting a scav raid for some players
Fixed an issue where bots with certain weapons (SKS) with a large magazine (drums) would be generated without additional magazines
Fixed bots having an inventory full of grenades when generated with the Milkor M32A1 instead of the intended 2-5
Fixed game not starting when profile doesn't have the weapon-stand stash in its inventory
Fixed the following weapons being generated without the correct amount of ammo in their chambers:
MP-43 12ga sawed-off double-barrel shotgun
MP-18 7.62x54R single-shot rifle
Fixed bug where setting ragfairConfig.purchasesAreFoundInRaid true would make trader purchases from flea also found in raid
Method addItemWithChildrenToEquipmentSlot() now has additional possible return values
UNKNOWN – Generic catch-all error when none of the others apply (this used to be the NO_SPACE error)
NO_CONTAINERS – Bot has no containers specificed to add item into
process() in ExternalInventoryMagGen now:
Handles the edge case of a weapon with a default internal magazine but weapon uses external magazine
Has infinite loop detection if unable to add magazine to bot after 5 attempts
Added method getRandomExternalMagazineForInternalMagazineGun() to ExternalInventoryMagGen
Most code locations that call addItemWithChildrenToEquipmentSlot() now log failure reason
Optimized addAmmoIntoEquipmentSlots(), if it fails because of lack of space or has no containers to add to, break out of loop and skip trying to add remaining ammo
Correctly return number from getRandomizedMagazineCount() instead of string
When profile is flagged for wipe, dont run profile fixing code during gameStart()
Player scav brain weights can be altered in configs/bot.json/playerScavBrainType
Scav raid time reduction weights/various values can be adjusted per map in configs/location.json/scavRaidTimeSettings
Added clearValues() to ApplicationContext`
Added new RAID_ADJUSTMENTS type to ContextVariableType
Edited parameter desiredSlotId on addCartridgeToChamber(), now expects a list of chamber ids, e.g. patron_in_weapon_000 instead of just one, function now adds cartridge to all chambers found with passed in Ids
Added class RaidTimeAdjustmentService
Added new server endpoint singleplayer/settings/getRaidTime
Added config property fixProfileBreakingInventoryItemIssues to core.json
Added function fixProfileBreakingInventoryItemIssues() to GameController
Cleaned up acceptQuest() in QuestController
Changed various places in code where profileChanges.repeatableQuests additions were overwriting existing data instead of pushing
Moved TraderData interface from IBotBase into IItemEventRouterBase
Added RaidTimeUtil to Aki.SinglePlayer.Utils.InRaid with the following methods available for client mods:
GetRemainingRaidSeconds(): Returns the remaining seconds in the raid
GetRaidTimeRemainingFraction(): Returns the fraction of remaining raid time relative to the original escape time for the map. For example, if you spawn into Customs as a Scav with 20 min remaining in the raid, this will be 0.5.
GetSecondsSinceSpawning(): Returns the seconds that have elapsed since you spawned into the map
GetElapsedRaidSeconds(): Returns the total seconds that have elapsed in the raid relative to the original escape time for the map. For example, if you spawn into Customs as a Scav with 20 min remaining in the raid, this will be 1200.
Added RaidChangesUtil to Aki.SinglePlayer.Utils.InRaid with the following properties describing time changes made to raids:
RaidChangesAppliedUtcTime: The UTC time when changes made to the raid (if any) were completed
HaveChangesBeenApplied: Returns true if all time changes for the raid have been completed
IsScavRaid: If the raid is a Scav run
LocationId: The ID of the map selected for the raid
OriginalEscapeTimeMinutes: The original escape time for the map before changes are made for Scav runs. This value may be modified by mods, so it isn't necessarily the escape time for the map in EFT.
OriginalEscapeTimeSeconds: OriginalEscapeTimeMinutes converted to seconds
NewEscapeTimeMinutes: The “new” escape time selected by SPT for the map. This will be the time remaining when you spawn into the raid, so it will typically be less than OriginalEscapeTimeMinutes for Scav runs. For PMC raids, this will be the same as OriginalEscapeTimeMinutes.
NewEscapeTimeSeconds: NewEscapeTimeMinutes converted to seconds
RaidTimeReductionMinutes: The difference between the original escape time for the map (OriginalEscapeTimeMinutes) and the “new” one (NewEscapeTimeMinutes). This will be 0 for PMC raids.
RaidTimeReductionSeconds: RaidTimeReductionMinutes converted to seconds
SurvivalTimeReductionSeconds: The reduction in the server database value globals.config.exp.match_end.survived_seconds_requirement, which is the time you must stay in the raid to get a “Survived” status (unless you get enough experience in the raid). survived_seconds_requirement is normally 7 minutes (420 seconds), and it is reduced by this value if you spawn into the map late for a Scav run. For example, if you spawn into Customs with 35 min remaining, this value will be 300. Therefore, you need to wait 2 min (420 – 300 = 120 seconds) to extract with a “Survived” status.
Release Hash: F1dDaL7B4m3M+r2MTMZXfA==
大小: 102493615 字节
MD5: 17574368BEC1E26DCCFABD8C4CC6577C
SHA1: 5F4A0EB952B719C2EF42FB048A369712E61D3161
添加scav raid开始时间模拟
修复了某些玩家退出scav raid时无法读取未定义属性(读取“filter”)的错误
修正了使用Milkor M32A1而不是预期的2-5生成时库存充满手榴弹的机器人
MP-43 12ga锯断双管霰弹枪
MP-18 7.62x54R单枪步枪