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    【SPTarkov】SPT-AKI 3.8.0 Release-29197【24.04.02更新】【逃离塔科夫单机离线版】

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    【SPTarkov】SPT-AKI 3.8.0 Release-29197【24.04.02更新】【逃离塔科夫单机离线版】





    1. 逃离塔科夫单人离线版是由SPTarkov项目组开发并免费分享,请遵守相关协议条款。

    2. 请确保你的电脑物理内存达到或是超过16GB,虚拟内存设置为物理内存的1-1.2倍,以免出现“客户端”崩溃的问题。

    3. 不要有中文路径,在登陆器的设置页面点 设置文件和缓存文件清除(打去验证补丁的,拜托全覆盖,别只替换一个EXE),避免卡松树页面。

    4. 不要开着加速器的全局模式玩离线版;离线版是纯本地化运行的模拟器, 不需要你加速减少延迟

    5. 不要使用老版MOD,切记,切记,切记一定要匹配版本的MOD。

    6. 不要使用老版存档,架构已变,如果你有编译知识,可以尝试移植存档。

    7. MOD存放位置:USER/MODS文件夹内;注意,请不要将不相干的文件仍在MODS文件夹内,比如MOD压缩包等。

    8. 玩 单人离线版,多备份存档(存档位置X:\SPT-AKI XXX\user\profiles),遇到坏档的问题自行还原备份。

    9. 不要用鼠标去点服务器窗口内,会给你卡着的,如果遇到此类问题,按下回车或重开服务器

    10. 请勿使用修改过的客户端玩 逃离塔科夫 线上版,也不要同时开着线上和离线,否则导致的一切后果自负。

    11. 从 SPT-AKI 1.4.0 血色边缘版开始,SPT项目组就不再对WIN7/8/8.1的老系统做系统兼容启动会直接闪退。

    12. 每次更换新版,建议去离线版登陆器的“设置”里清理临时文件/还原游戏设置可以避免很多问题。

    13. 解压请使用“7Z,Winrar,Bandizip”解压,Windows系统自带的解压会导致解压不全的问题。



    .NET Framework 4.7.2           新人必装 

    .NET 5.0 Desktop Runtime (v5.0.0)  新人必装(部分MOD工具需要用到)

    .NET 6.0 Desktop Runtime (v6.0.4)  新人必装

    (SPT-AKI 2.2.2或以上版本必装)

    .NET 8.0 Desktop Runtime (v8.0.3) 新人必装(3.8.0登陆器需要)

    感谢社友:坐标交叉的星云 编写:


    感谢社友:Wind_L 编写

    【科普】【SPT-AKI】正式版(B系列,A系列通用) 安装教程     新人必看           

    离线修改教程版块   新人必看(认真看对修改很有帮助)

    服务端配置详解(3.5.0)     新人必看

    感谢社友们提供的各种方案:     离线版疑难解答区“置顶帖”点击查看    新人必看
    感谢社友:wowoka 分享: 利用process lasso 优化内存,避免内存爆炸   游戏会闪退的建议挂载此软件
    感谢社友:_物是人非 分享:

    SPT-AKI管理器   一键更改端口/过验证/等(3.0.0开始请重命名服务器/登陆器EXE文件将“AKI.”删除)

    3.7.5 Hotfix1 版开始增加过验证步骤 点击查看 (社友 是小白啊 提供)- PS:离线和线上都玩的社友请勿使用,直接更新线上登陆器和客户端即可,不听劝后果自负。

    注意:从 SPT-AKI 1.4.0 血色边缘版开始,SPT项目组就不再对WIN7/8/8.1的老系统做系统兼容启动会直接闪退。







    • 关于MOD:请勿使用 3.7.X 的 MOD

    • 关于存档:请勿使用3.8.0 BE 的存档,必须开新档

    客户端 :(SPT-3.8.0-29197 使用 客户端)以下资源任选一下载,内容一样的

    官方下载链接: 客户端     (请右键复制下载链接,使用迅雷/IDM之类的软件下载)


    百度云盘分流: 客户端     社友 拉姬 提供

    WPS云文档分流: 客户端     社友 拉姬 提供

    迅雷云盘分流: 客户端     社友 飲歲Yelsai 提供

    大小: 25775532011 字节

    MD5: 27E3FE5D6BE0E42B0AB177589CC2A358

    SHA1: C47D67D63FF80822D8D4F6D7A1589450D3AAB145

    CRC32: 2BFDA71D

    OneDrive分流: 客户端     社友 kmyuhkyuk 提供

    CRC32: C514FC9F

    MD5: 447361DECC708E15F87006E4A80ADACA

    SHA-1: D0CE453F95DF116A2A25B79135747A14D0EB8506

    SHA-256: 58C0B14484C202A98B1E961F0DD97C80FB0AEB1C99A7AC3658D8844DD10F5D7B

    SPT-AKI 永远不会正式实施任何多人游戏或合作游戏功能。

    以下是 SPT 团队不会考虑实施合作游戏的几个原因:

    • 有悖于 SPT 的目标,即允许离线(单人)进行 EFT,与他人一起游戏从来都不是目标,因此该项目被命名为”单人塔可夫”。

    • SPT 是对 EFT 离线突袭模式的修改,在突袭后会保存配置文件数据。

    • “SPT 服务器”只是一个将个人资料保存到硬盘的系统,同时还模拟了贸易商、跳蚤市场、藏身处等。

    • BattleState Games 是 EFT 的开发商,如果加入 COOP,他们很可能会在巨大的法律压力下废除该项目。SPT 将立即停止存在。

    • SPT 以外的人曾多次尝试创建 COOP 系统,但都因其复杂性而失败。

    3.8.0  更新日志:

    Changes by BSG

    • New map Ground Zero

    • New starter quests

    • Various adjusted quest requirements

    • New Streets boss, Kollontay

    • New guards for Kaban boss

    • Extended Shoreline map

    • Added 5 new weapons

    • Added achievements

    • Added Hall of fame hideout area

    • Improved hitboxes on bots/player

    • Added removable plates for multiple armors

    • Added ability to vault over objects

    • Added ability to left shoulder weapons

    • Added ammo preset functionality

    • Improved recoil

    • Added Weapon rack hideout area

    • Hideout crafting adjustments

    • Added BTR vehicle on streets

    • Added Halloween event


    • Many new languages have been translated thanks to Crowdin and the 200+ people who contributed

    • Implemented Evil Zryachiy Halloween event

    • Implemented our own BTR that closely matches live behavior

      • Drives around Streets map

      • Can be used to send items in raid to stash

    • Added our own BTR/Lightkeeper trader system that closely matches live behavior

    • Added new gift codes to SPT Friend (Friends list > SPT ):

      • Added code KONTOROVICH

      • Added code ETSREWARD

      • Added code LUNARNEWYEAR2024

      • Added code VALENS

      • Added code TWITCHNEWYEARS2023

      • Added code NEWYEAR2023

      • Added code ITSONLYSNOWALAN to enable snow on next raid + 1 (last until client is closed)

      • Added code GIVEMESPACE to add x2 stash rows to profile

    • Enabled snow for Christmas / new years seasonal events

    • Added new SNΘW event that occurs after new years, active until mid February

    • Flea/fence can now sell visors with bullet damage

    • Added ability to have enhancements on armored rigs and helmets

    • Added fallback to English for menu locale if desired locale cannot be found instead of crashing server

    • Added weighting system to choose bots hands, head and voice

    • Added chance player-scavs are hostile to you when playing as a scav

      • They want your loot and don't care about losing rep

      • Killing them does not incur a rep loss

    • Added system to fix bleeds when player is offline (Bleeds/breaks are removed after 30 mins offline)

    • Added functionality to propagate scav Charisma gains into PMC profile

    • Added system to add money to wallets on bots

      • Stack size uses weight data from live

      • Most common stack sizes are 5k/10k/15k, very small chance for a LARGE stack

    • Added cultist amulet system that closely matches live behavior

    • Added Rusted bloody key as additional item on pscav

      • Workaround for rareness of item as loot that would hinder quest progress

    • Added system to ensure pscavs clothing matches their arm texture

    • Added system to weight stack size of loose money in bot inventories

      • Similar to wallet money system, comes in set stack sizes e.g. 5k/10k

    • Added ability to keep pocket items after death via lostOnDeath.json

    • Added lootItemsToAddChancePercent inside playerscav.json

    • Added custom scav waves to new shoreline zone to assist with completion of No swiping quest

    • Added config option to make trader reset times occur at the start of the next hour (default disabled)

    • PMC changes:

      • Added 4 additional heads to USEC and BEAR

      • Added new items to equipment pool

      • Added gp-7 mask to equipment pool

      • Added dynamic armor plate insertion system, now adds plates appropriate to their level

        • If the armor they're wearing doesn't have an appropriate plate with the level desire, default plate for that armor is used

      • Added new names

        • If you contributed to the project in some capacity you may find your name in game

      • Added generation weights for level 15-22

        • More fine grained changes to equipment/ammo/mods

        • Prevents the huge power discrepancy between pre/post flea access that occurs at level 15 e.g. level 14 TOZ PMC vs level 15 PKM slick-wearing chad terminator

    • Added bot item limits:

      • Stim limit of 2 to assault bots

      • Food limit of 3 to assault bots

      • Drink limit of 3 to assault bots

    • Enabled spt commando bot give command by default

      • Type spt give TPL COUNT to them to get an item, e.g. spt give 544fb45d4bdc2dee738b4568 5 to get 5 Salewas

    • Post-raid screen improvements:

      • Ammo used count

      • Armor damage done count

      • Fence rep change

    • Added ip address logging when connecting to a non-local server

    • Improved reward item filtering via a new global reward item blacklist in config/item.json, used by:

      • Airdrops

      • Dailies

      • Scav cases

    • Added Crafting skill bonus to water filter craft time and filter drain rate calculations

    • Added small optimization to only process water filters if a water filter is installed


    • Updated to support EFT 0.14.1 and its changes: (https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Changelog#

    • Updated 95% of quests with data from live

    • Updated trader assorts with data from live

    • Re-dumped over 200k bots from live

    • Re-dumped every map with 100k~ offline raids from live, huge thanks to ThatGuyXIV for spending weeks doing this

    • Rewrote parts of bot loot system

      • Loot items are now stored with weights based on live data dumps to make what they carry more live-like

    • Fence

      • Items now stack in a similar way to live

      • Price calculations adjusted to better match live

      • Less prone to errors when buying items

      • Price adjustments to better match live

      • Weapon durability adjustments to match live

      • Ammo packs are now listed

      • Ability to prevent duplicate fence offers by item type (force stacking)

      • Keys are now listed

    • Daily quests

      • Exclude scav coop exits when choosing PMC exit

      • Exit requirements now take into account player characters side

      • Reworked Reward items choice to better take into account item price

      • Weapon rewards now match the level of the daily quest

      • Reworked extract selection picking system to choose more appropriate exits

    • Updated starting gear to match live

    • Reduced loose loot to 75% of live values

      • 3.7.6 used a very similar live loot count, this change brings values to a more reasonable level

    • Improved handling of how quests are failed, server can now fail a quest while player is mid-raid

    • Flagged Zryachiy's balaclava as a boss item in server

    • Updated flea prices

    • Raid time now matches live time

    • Adjusted levels 1-14 PMCs to have more live-accurate gear/weapons/ammo

    • Easy start profile is now level 15

    • Improved how mods are found for weapons/armor, now sets a dynamic limit to stop searching once value is reached based on mod pool size instead of a hard coded

    • Improved bitcoin processing calculations

    • Updated air filter code to correctly calculate time they were being used since last hideout update tick

    • Improved fuel usage calculations when offline

    • Limited items on various bots:

      • 1x limit of Shturmans Stash Key on Shturman

      • 1x limit of Terragroup Labs Access Keycard on bossKojaniy

      • 1x limit of Gingy Keychain on Assault/Marksmen

      • 2x limit of AFAK on Rogue/Raider

      • 1x limit of Aquamari to all Gluhar followers

      • 1x limit of Aquamari on Gluhar

      • 2x limit of roubles on scavs

    • Removed quests:

      • Out of Time

      • Hippocratic Oath

    • Improved accuracy of fence rep handling when > 6

    • Rewrote large part of insurance item handling to better process mod item removal to simulate parts being stripped by other players

    • Improved item condition code when generating flea offers for items with durability/uses/resources

    • Reduced logging that occurs when a profile saves data

    • Manually adjusted T7 thermal to have a 5x price multiplier on flea

    • Adjusted how flea sell curve is calculated, items should be easier to sell when near average price

    • Adjust water collector total craft time every update() to include the players current CRAFTINGskill level instead of the first time profile is created

    • Reduced carExtractBaseStandingGain to 0.2

    • Basic melee weapons more common on low level PMCs

    • Improved handling of insurance lost messages when losing gear on labs

    • Crafts that use a tool now correctly take the tool until craft is complete

    • Migrated item limiting code from being per bot container to be global across all bots containers

    • Removed loot data from PMC JSONs as its generated dynamically, can now be used as an override for item prices

    • Increased chance PScav is generated with backpack by 10% per fence rep level

    • Reworked how in-raid quest locking/unlocking is handled

    • Equipment bonuses will only be applied to items after players Weapon Maintenance skill is at or above level 10

    • Limited concurrent scopes and lasers to a max of 1 on bossBoar

    • Blacklisted 12.7x108mm BZT-44M from reward item pool

    • Blacklisted event vodka from reward item pool

    • Updated Trader refresh times to better match live values

      • Live values have a large variability, SPT values will probably never perfectly match but it's reasonably close

    • Updated trader refresh times to use a min/max value

    • Adjusted some subsystems to run their code at different rates depending on the players raid status:

      • Ragfair

        • In-raid = 60 seconds

        • out of raid = 8 seconds

      • Hideout crafting

        • In-raid = 60 seconds

        • Out of raid = 10 seconds

    • Reduced initial spawn count on Ground zero map to alleviate how crowded map feels on entry

    • Various module patch optimizations

    • When converting a currency from roubles into euros/dollars, ensure the smallest value returned is 1

    • Adjusted boss spawn chances to match live values

    • Replaced a large chunk of fence scav rep server calculation with data from client instead

    • Small reduction of money reward chance from scav case

    • Reduced super rare euro/dollar money reward amount from scav case

    • Improved accuracy of fuel usage when solar power / hideout management skill exists

    • Adjusted marksmen to have their NVGs disabled during the day more often

    • Removed persistPurchaseDataInProfile from trader config as it caused issues when set to false. Profiles now do this by default


    • EXPERIMENTAL: Fixed bots flying upwards when killed

    • Blacklisted broken GK-01 12ga compensator

    • Fixed some quests failing twice (e.g. Chemical Part 4) and reducing rep twice as much as it should

    • Fixed Gifter bot being added to the same raid multiple times

    • Daily quests:

      • Fixed refreshing a daily quest deleting majority of profiles quests progress

      • Fixed seasonal items being rewarded for daily quests outside of seasonal event

      • Fixed daily quest weapon rewards not being counted towards reward budget

    • Fixed default presets being in a different order to live

    • Fixed losing all items and container when opening a sealed weapon crate and it erroring

    • Fixed issue with choosing a default mod for a weapon when the bot doesn't have the default mod in their mod pool already – would result in missing vital mods causing a fallback to a default weapon preset

    • Fixed dev-profile craft-time adjustments bleeding into other profiles if server is not restarted between swapping profiles

    • Fixed edge case when getModPoolForSlot() gets default hand-guard for Mp5 when the receiver is set to the Mp5SD. Now uses correct default template

    • Fixed trader assorts with an UnlimitedCount value not having a stack size of 9999999 – fixes unlimited item on Prapor having stack size of 100

    • Fixed seasonal events not triggering after profile creation until after the client has reloaded

    • Fixed scav Sell all button not sending the correct amount of roubles

    • Fixed issues with Kedr being filled with incompatible ammo

    • Fixed dynamic loot generation not respecting a spawn point's IsAlwaysSpawn field

    • Fixed quotes in custom tags causing a server error

    • Fixed flea armor not having proper randomized durability

    • Fixed the “Unable to transfer stack” exception on scav post-raid screen

    • Fixed majority of lock-file error occurrences

    • Fixed cancelled flea offers not being correctly removed from player offer listing screen

    • Fixed multiple null ref errors relating to bots and how they determine who's an enemy

    • Fixed relaxation key appearing in multiple locations on streets at the same time

    • Fixed German locales not working because BSG map DE to GE

    • Fixed consumables (fuel / filters) in hideout losing their FiR status when pulled out of a slot

    • Fixed incorrect calculation of flea offer average price value

    • Fixed seasonal items appearing on PMCs when they shouldn't

    • Fixed dogtags being given as daily rewards

    • Fixed edge case in updateFuel() where function can fail due to fuel item lacking a upd object

    • Fixed damaged ammo boxes have a min/average/max price of 1000

    • Fixed getDynamicOfferPriceForOffer() converting an offers price into a non-rouble currency too early, resulting in price adjustment code not executing

    • Fixed the server watermark not displaying correctly for non-English languages

    • Fixed ammo reward from dailies falling below 1

    • Fixed scav case never giving unarmored rigs as a reward

    • Fixed PMCs pulling endless grizzlies from their secure to heal and then leaving them on the ground

    • Fixed PMCs not healing bleeds in raid

    • Fixed server watermark not showing correctly in non-english languages

    • Fixed forcedLootSingleSpawnById having Lightkeeper Intelligence on lighthouse instead of reserve

    • Fixed non-raid moddable items being removed from weapons in insurance

    • Fixed Fence assort generation failing when a child item that can be stacked is found, do not allow child items to be stacked. only root items

    • Fixed buy limits persisting between profiles

    • Fixed Fence base level assorts slowly decreasing in volume as they get partially refreshed


    • Upgraded server to Node v20.11.1 (lts)

    • Upgraded many server packages

    • Refactored flea item purchasing code

    • Removed ancient profile files no longer needed

    • Optimization of isItemIncompatibleWithCurrentItems()

    • Upgraded Launcher to .NET 8 (from 6)


    • Added ability to block specific item types from flea in ragfair.json config

    • Be Aware that parentIds MUST be mongoId compatible, use hashUtil.generate() to create one

    • Trader mods must now supply a min and max refresh value, trader example mod has been updated to show the needed change

    • Moved addItemWithChildrenToEquipmentSlot() from BotWeaponGeneratorHelper to BotGeneratorHelper

    • Replaced use of dialogueHelper.addDialogueMessage inside sendInsuredItems() with MailSendService.sendMessage()

    • Split daily quest reward generation code out of generator into its own class

    • PMC loot is now cached per side (usec/bear)

      • Stored in memory separately

    • Added properties to core.json config to allow for internal BSG logging to be output into server log

    • Removed support for 3.7.x mods

    • Added allExtracts.json to each map, contains extract data pulled from game client


    • 5o2

    • Agnotology

    • All_Heil_Lord_Ppepe

    • Arys

    • Bandit

    • Belette

    • Btdc00

    • Brin

    • Cj

    • Colonel

    • CrocodileJonesy

    • crustyselenium_

    • CWX

    • DrakiaXYZ

    • gansik

    • GeorgRavioli

    • Gleneth

    • GopnikWarrior

    • halik92

    • Holynevil

    • Hupfi

    • itsMickle

    • ItsRenke

    • Ixcetotis

    • JustAShepard

    • Kaeno

    • Lacyway

    • MrSarkasm

    • Nasc

    • nidhoeggr

    • ObiOne

    • OkaMoez

    • R3

    • RedBeard

    • Refringe

    • Senko-San

    • Skeeze

    • snowythefox811

    • SovietWalrus

    • ThatGuyXIV

    • TimmyGG

    • Valens

    • Victor_Two

    • Zurugula




  • 迪迪猫超级模块什么时候能兼容啊?
    拉黑 6个月前 电脑端回复
  • 2733362865 @迪迪猫 1都停更了,还兼容啥
    拉黑 6个月前 电脑端回复
  • ttdgg现在能用的mod有啥啊
    拉黑 6个月前 电脑端回复
  • 1323607737 @ttdgg 有类似超级模块的去MG-mod板块去找 功能比超级模块多 有民间大佬更新到兼容29197了 往下翻翻就看到了
    拉黑 6个月前 电脑端回复
  • 1323607737 @迪迪猫 有类似超级模块的去MG-mod板块去找 功能比超级模块多 有民间大佬更新到兼容29197了 往下翻翻就看到了
    拉黑 6个月前 电脑端回复
  • 2211651165这个是雪地吗
    拉黑 6个月前 电脑端回复
  • 迪迪猫 @1323607737 谢谢
    拉黑 6个月前 电脑端回复
  • 我的阀 @迪迪猫 里面有无敌头套就不错了,除了压子弹有点麻烦,其他感觉还是不错的
    拉黑 6个月前 电脑端回复
  • 蓝莓有没有大佬知道我把旧文件全覆盖成新文件,运行server的时候一直显示端口6969在使用,请检查客户端是否已在运行,但我已经把处的存档以外的所有旧文件删了
    拉黑 6个月前 电脑端回复
  • 蓝莓但就是运行不了
    拉黑 6个月前 电脑端回复
  • 181195818我也是,不知道为什么一直进不去
    拉黑 6个月前 电脑端回复
  • LongLi @蓝莓 端口占用,咋换文件肯定都不行。新手教程 或者去https://sns.oddba.cn/3781.html 自己看
    拉黑 6个月前 电脑端回复
  • dms苹果汁请问这个版本还有俄插板不掉血bug吗
    拉黑 6个月前 电脑端回复
  • 2660718288 @LongLi 大佬.下好了检测不到客户端.提示说AKiCUstomPlugin中补丁失败
    拉黑 6个月前 电脑端回复
  • 屠丸氏skier的供应商 甲交不了啊(带钩的)
    拉黑 6个月前 电脑端回复
  • 18358937772为什么它显示没有下载逃离塔克夫?
    拉黑 6个月前 电脑端回复
  • 暮云呀 @18358937772 过验证
    拉黑 6个月前 电脑端回复
  • panpan123 @迪迪猫 坐等超级模块兼容
    拉黑 6个月前 电脑端回复
  • 17766089201 @暮云呀 过什么验证?
    拉黑 6个月前 电脑端回复
  • 17774649663 @18358937772 同问
    拉黑 6个月前 电脑端回复
  • 一起看月亮有冬季故事的活动吗
    拉黑 6个月前 电脑端回复
  • 艾坤好烦自动翻越那个bug,设置改成热键了还是时不时会自己翻,工厂里面走路都走不动翻来翻去的
    拉黑 6个月前 电脑端回复
  • zhouhk @17766089201 正版验证,用管理器显示是已经过了,还是过不了
    拉黑 6个月前 电脑端回复
  • 不服来砍我更新之后怎么保留之前版本的存档啊
    拉黑 6个月前 电脑端回复
  • cjh2024 @暮云呀 管理器正版验证过了,还是提示需要下载正本游戏是什么情况啊??
    拉黑 6个月前 电脑端回复
  • mzycoolb这个版本总是粘屎感卡顿,我把mod用排除法挨个测了一下,发现用了sain三模组后才卡顿,虽然毫秒级卡顿很细微,但是很难受,暂时还是回头玩丝滑的361吧
    拉黑 5个月前 电脑端回复
  • lrainlm请问为啥我的3.7可以玩,3.8就一直提示没有安装正版游戏?
    拉黑 5个月前 电脑端回复
  • hurendi @lrainlm 同问,解决了没?
    拉黑 5个月前 电脑端回复
  • 1442416724 默认服务器“SPT-AKI”不可用怎么解决呀
    拉黑 5个月前 电脑端回复
  • sdsxda1380更新了啥 有新枪吗
    拉黑 5个月前 电脑端回复
  • jouiortwo233请问一下大佬们 为什么老是提示我需要支持正版咧 验证也弄好了 就是一直提示要支持正版 同时无法检测到游戏exe 不行的话就只能去买正版了
    拉黑 5个月前 电脑端回复
  • 2092026547 @迪迪猫 文件解压密码是啥阿
    拉黑 5个月前 电脑端回复
  • 18654381085显示未安装,请购买游戏怎么解决 [s-5]
    拉黑 5个月前 电脑端回复
  • 蘔卅 @18654381085 过正版验证,上面有讲
    拉黑 5个月前 电脑端回复
  • nelthuicon @蘔卅 用管理器过了 但还是提示未安装
    拉黑 5个月前 电脑端回复
  • awb过了正版验证怎么还是说要购买游戏进不去怎么办
    拉黑 5个月前 电脑端回复
  • mgwyyds666 @nelthuicon 兄弟,同问题,解决没?
    拉黑 5个月前 电脑端回复
  • mgwyyds666 @awb 上面有讲。需要新的步骤,仔细看看那两栏
    拉黑 5个月前 电脑端回复
  • 13169342015客户端迅雷云盘那个没了
    拉黑 5个月前 电脑端回复
  • liiol [s-18]
    拉黑 5个月前 电脑端回复
  • 18966895761超级模块什么时候能用!
    拉黑 5个月前 电脑端回复
  • nelthuicon @mgwyyds666 搞定了 好像是要弄个reg文件
    拉黑 5个月前 电脑端回复
  • 1011837575 @nelthuicon 怎么搞的啊
    拉黑 5个月前 电脑端回复
  • 叮当 @nelthuicon reg文件哪里搞啊
    拉黑 5个月前 电脑端回复
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  • cnttpscav工厂击杀mpc不加黑商好感? 战局某些弹夹子弹扣不完?
    拉黑 6个月前 电脑端回复
  • 困西睡不着我在线有的子弹也扣不完
    拉黑 6个月前 电脑端回复
  • dadawodada @cnttp 得把弹匣揣进兜里才能把子弹卸干净,在兜外抠的话最后一发抠不出来
    拉黑 6个月前 电脑端回复
  • cnttp5.56x45mm hp 穿5级板给我整笑了 直接卸载等下次更新 bug真tm多
    拉黑 6个月前 电脑端回复
  • liiol [s-7]
    拉黑 5个月前 电脑端回复
  • 拉黑 5个月前 电脑端回复
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  • 蘔卅3.8.0 更新日志:BSG所做的改动 新增地图:Ground Zero 新增起始任务 调整了多项任务要求 新增街道BOSS:Kollontay Kaban BOSS新增守卫 Shoreline地图扩展 新增5种武器 新增成就系统 新增名人堂藏身处区域 改进了机器人/玩家的碰撞箱 新增多种护甲的可拆卸板 新增越过物体的能力 新增左肩扛武器的功能 新增弹药预设功能 改进了后坐力 新增武器架藏身处区域 藏身处制作调整 街道地图上新增BTR车辆 新增万圣节活动 感谢Crowdin和200多名贡献者的帮助,已新增多种语言的翻译 实施了Evil Zryachiy万圣节活动 实施了与我们自己的BTR行为相近的系统 在街道地图上行驶 可用于在突袭中发送物品到仓库 新增了我们自己的BTR/Lightkeeper商人系统,其行为与真实情况相近 在SPT Friend(好友列表> SPT)中新增了礼物代码: 新增代码:KONTOROVICH 新增代码:ETSREWARD 新增代码:LUNARNEWYEAR2024 新增代码:VALENS 新增代码:TWITCHNEWYEARS2023 新增代码:NEWYEAR2023 新增代码:ITSONLYSNOWALAN,启用下一次突袭及之后1次的雪景(直到客户端关闭) 新增代码:GIVEMESPACE,在个人资料中添加x2仓库行 为圣诞/新年季节性活动启用了雪景 新增了新年后的SNΘW活动,活动将持续至二月中旬 Flea/fence现在可以出售带有子弹伤害的护目镜 新增了在装甲装备和头盔上添加增强的能力 如果所需的语言环境无法找到,现在将退回到英语菜单语言环境,以避免服务器崩溃 新增了权重系统,用于选择机器人的手、头和声音 新增了玩家作为Scav时,其他Scav玩家可能对你敌对的功能 他们想要你的战利品,并不在乎失去声望 杀死他们不会损失声望 新增了修复玩家出血的系统
    拉黑 5个月前 电脑端回复
  • 施新不太聪明 @蘔卅 6666666
    拉黑 5个月前 电脑端回复
  • 1896689576166666
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    芜湖!出来咯 [s-10]

  • 奥嗷 [s-15]
    拉黑 6个月前 电脑端回复
  • 114567962321312
    拉黑 5个月前 电脑端回复
  • 拉黑 5个月前 电脑端回复
  • 2515818233可见
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  • 秋风离good
    拉黑 5个月前 电脑端回复
  • chenmoshijin66666666
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  • 拉黑 5个月前 电脑端回复
  • 9970357546666666666666666
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  • KRB666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666
    拉黑 5个月前 电脑端回复
  • wlgda阿巴阿巴
    拉黑 5个月前 电脑端回复
  • 芜湖小司马地下城
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