不要有中文路径,在登陆器的设置页面点 设置文件和缓存文件清除(打去验证补丁的,拜托全覆盖,别只替换一个EXE),避免卡松树页面。
不要开着加速器的全局模式玩离线版;离线版是纯本地化运行的模拟器, 不需要你加速减少延迟
玩 单人离线版,多备份存档(存档位置X:\SPT-AKI XXX\user\profiles),遇到坏档的问题自行还原备份。
请勿使用修改过的客户端玩 逃离塔科夫 线上版,也不要同时开着线上和离线,否则导致的一切后果自负。
从 SPT-AKI 1.4.0 血色边缘版开始,SPT项目组就不再对WIN7/8/8.1的老系统做系统兼容启动会直接闪退。
必须安装: |
.NET Framework 4.7.2 新人必装 .NET 5.0 Desktop Runtime (v5.0.0) 新人必装(部分MOD工具需要用到) .NET 6.0 Desktop Runtime (v6.0.4) 新人必装(SPT-AKI 2.2.2或以上版本必装) .NET 8.0 Desktop Runtime (v8.0.2) 新人必装(SPT-AKI 3.8.0 BE或以上必装) |
感谢社友:坐标交叉的星云 编写 感谢所有社友的分享 感谢社友:Wind_L 编写 |
【科普】【SPT-AKI】正式版(B系列,A系列通用) 安装教程 新人必看 离线修改教程版块 新人必看 服务端配置详解(3.5.0) 新人必看 |
感谢社友们提供的各种方案 | 离线版疑难解答区“置顶帖”点击查看 新人必看 |
感谢社友:wowoka 分享 | 利用process lasso 优化内存,避免内存爆炸 游戏会闪退的建议挂载此软件 |
感谢社友:NEKO17 分享 |
Neko EFT Manager X 一个综合型工具,包含过验证,MOD管理等,详情自行查阅 |
大小: 106338705 字节
MD5: 02F5A6BD978B2745D7519DC64098C5A2
SHA1: 502B1B441A349FA5840394BAA1640ED28B8888CF
CRC32: DA1589A9
关于MOD:兼容3.10.X Mod
关于存档:兼容3.10.0 存档
客户端 :
(SPT-3.10.0 – 3.10.5 – 33420 使用 客户端)
官方下载链接: 客户端 (请右键复制下载链接,使用迅雷/IDM之类的软件下载)
百度云盘分流: 客户端 社友 拉姬 提供
123云盘分流: 客户端 提取码:pCp5 社友 星空灬晨星 提供
夸克云盘分流: 客户端 提取码:34RK 社友 FoundWay 提供
大小: 31703782355 字节
MD5: 74791985E2A8E1138352831669849EC1
SHA1: 85B9883540291B564E0FD8C4CF3BF5A843584599
CRC32: 711B805B
3.10.5 更新日志:
Enabled Thats a Great Plan Walter quest by default – completing this will allow you to make use of the Sealed box/case items you're looting in raids
Fixed TerraGroup Employee quest start conditions
Fixed New Years and April Fools seasonal events having incorrect IDs
Fixed Getting Acquainted failing when it shouldn't – Again able to visit Lightkeeper
3.10.4 更新日志:
Added ability to insert items into bot Pockets/Rigs/Backpacks inside config/seasonalevents.json during seasonal events
Used to add Christmas ornaments + presents to scav loot pool
Added progress bar system
Used to show how much of the database has been loaded during server start + bot generation progress
Added rewards to the That’s a Great Plan, Walter quest-related containers Opened Case and Opened Box
Added system to override the flea price of an item via config/ragfair.json/dynamic/itemPriceOverrideRouble
Used to adjust price of Streamer item case to 500000 roubles + Christmas gifts to various values
Added ability to use decimals when altering a traders reputation using Commando
Updated map loot data
Updated bot loot data
Increased chance of rain and cloud
Updated CZ locale
Added system to de-prioritise containers to look inside when searching for money to pay for items
Containers can be added to inventoryConfig/deprioritisedMoneyContainers
By default SICC and documents case are deprioritised (they will be picked last)
Blacklisted Case Key and Sealed Box from reward item pool + pmc loot pool
Updated infectedTagilla zombie bot to have 3 magazines and 1 loot item
Updated some warning logs to be debug logs to stop scaring players
Improved simulation of AI player scav names, their 'pmc' name + game edition is correctly passed to client
Improved equipment assembly screen performance when getting relevant flea offers
Fixed insurance messages appearing as received if you only lost gear you were wearing
Fixed removeResourceFromArea errors by adding null checks inside to prevent server failing when it can't find an item to remove from a hideout slot
Fixed max buy restriction bonus not applying to unheard edition accounts
Fixed FenceService.addItemAssorts() erroring when there were no root items available to add to Fences assorts
Fixed assembling screen not showing PMC weapon/armor offers correctly
Fixed assembling screen showing inaccessible trader offers for weapons/armor when you were already over the buy limit threshold and there are PMC offers available
Fixed incorrect ledx id inside inventory.json Pumpkin with sweets reward pool
Added ConfigServer to PaymentService constructor
Added inventoryConfig/deprioritisedMoneyContainers property
Added ISeasonalEventsConfig/eventLoot property
Updated vitest packages to 2.1.8
Added ragfairOfferHelper.offerIsFromTrader function
Added iBotType parameter to botGenerator.generatePlayerScav function
Added botNameService.addRandomPmcNameToBotMainProfileNicknameProperty function
Added BotGenerator.shouldSimulatePlayerScav function
Added RagfairOfferHelper.getOffersInsideBuyRestrictionLimits function
Added MainProfileNickname optional property to IInfo
Added IRagfairConfig/itemPriceOverrideRouble property
Removed BotNameService.shouldSimulatePlayerScavName function
Removed BotNameService.addPlayerScavNameSimulationSuffix function
Added BotNameService.addRandomPmcNameToBotMainProfileNicknameProperty function
Added BotNameService.getRandomPMCName function
Added PostDbLoadService.addMissingTraderBuyRestrictionMaxValue function
Added PostDbLoadService.applyFleaPriceOverrides function
Added getEventBotLoot function
Added SeasonalEventService.addEventLootToBots function
Added ProgressWriter class
Fixed various invalid nullguard checks inside DatabaseService
Removed InsuranceService.adoptOrphanedInsEquipment function
Added ProfilerFixerService.checkForAndFixDialogueAttachments function
Updated SeasonalEventService.cacheActiveEvents function to be public
3.10.3 更新日志:
Added automatic profile backup system: sp-tarkov/server@ef14ad2
Backups are made on server start
Automatic backups every x minutes is possible (disabled by default)
A list of active server mods at time of backup is included in folder
Stored in user/profiles/backups
Added item reward base type blacklist to config/item.json, accessible via itemFilterService.getItemRewardBaseTypeBlacklist()
Added event quest That's a Great Plan Walter
Added additional debug logging inside repeatable quest generation
Improved friend system emulation: sp-tarkov/server@4614c89
Can now search for other profiles in friend list
Can view other profiles and see their favorite weapons for easy preset sharing
Made improvements to RandomUtil functionality / error prevention
Regenerated quest data with missing properties
Updated trader offer data
All placeholder values have been replaced with live values
Improved accuracy of repeatable quest system emulation, changed:
Accepting a quest
Replacing an existing repeatable
Improved edge case where Cultist Circle rewards don't all fit inside the circle container
Does its best to fit as many in as possible instead of rewarding nothing
Updated airdrop rewards/Loot Generator to make use of item reward base type blacklist (currently only has soft armor inserts)
Updated JSON files to match live
Updated server locales with data from crowdin
Updated bots with data from live
Updated map loot with data from live
Updated some item handbook prices
Updated flea prices (prices.json now sorted by key to make code comparisons easier)
Updated client locales
Fixed Cultist Circle rewarding empty ammo boxes and soft armor inserts
Fixed issues around random number generation
Blacklisted mortar shrapnel object from reward item pool
Fixed BSG bug when replacing existing daily/weekly quest would soft lock the client
Fixed having an invalid registry settings file causing the client to soft lock
Signature changes inside repeatable quest generation, multiple functions now require a sessionId to passed
attemptToGenerateRepeatableQuest, generateRepeatableQuest, generateEliminationQuest, generateCompletionQuest, generateExplorationQuest, generatePickupQuest, generateRepeatableTemplate
RepeatableQuestRewardGenerator constructor now requires a hashUtil
generateItemReward and generatePresetReward have a new optional parameter foundInRaid
New properties in IQuest and IRepeatableQuest
New property rewardItemTypeBlacklist in IItemConfig
New function getItemRewardBaseTypeBlacklist() in itemFilterService
New implementation of dialogueCallbacks.deleteFriend()
Constructor changes to dialogueController
Constructor changes to saveCallbacks
New implementation of dialogController.getFriendList()
New implementation of dialogController.sendFriendRequest()
New implementation of dialogController.deleteFriend()
New implementation of profileController.getFriends()
New implementation of profileController.getOtherProfile()
New function profileHelper.getFullProfileByAccountId()
New function profileHelper.getChatRoomMemberFromSessionId()
New function profileHelper.getChatRoomMemberFromPmcProfile()
New friends string array property inside player profile ISptProfile object
New IWsFriendsListAccept interface
New config BackupConfig
3.10.2 更新日志:
Large rework of Cultist Circle, should be more accurate to live behavior
Each direct reward (e.g. Killa figurine sacrifice for Killa helmet) can be collected only once per profile
Hideout-related rewards are correctly given 25% of the time when over 400k rouble sacrifice theshhold
Items needed to complete in-progress quests can be rewarded
Big clean up and rework of how random numbers are chosen
Added logging to loose loot generation to help track down phantom modded items that don't exist in the database causing map loading to fail
Improved how scope mounts are chosen when added to a bots' weapon, should reduce scope mounts with a red dot but no scope appearing
Moved Christmas start date from 7th to 12th to better match the start of winter weather
Reworded error message when cultist circle rewards are too big to fit into box
Reduced cultist circle debug logging
Added null protection to addHideoutEliteSlots() when profile lacks a generator
Fixed airdrops not spawning without the use of a red flare
Fixed missing Christmas tree hideout area using 2023 Christmas data
Fixed issue where favoriting a weapon/item in the Weapon Rack or Hall of Fame would cause the profile to not load after a restart
Fixed issue where you wouldn't see favorited items if you viewed your profile from the Friends list
Fixed viewing another profiles profile data sometimes showing the mannequin instead of the profiles equipment
Fixed traderconfig.traderPriceMultipler applying to items twice
Fixed traderconfig.traderPriceMultipler not applying to trader items when viewed from flea
Fixed price discrepancy between trader and flea price for trader items
Fixed getCultistCircleRewardPool error when trying to access a hideout area stage that doesn't exist
Fixed cultist circle saving direct rewards to the profile incorrectly
Fixed cultist circle returning direct weapon/armor rewards without mods
Fixed cultist circle rewarding 2x Killa helmet face plates
Moved hardcoded money/ammo Cultist circle blacklist from code into config
Renamed cultistCircle.getRandomLoot to generateRandomisedItemsAndAddToRewardPool, also checks items parentId against blacklist
Added nullguard to getQuestRewardItems() to protect against invalid custom quests
Made GameObject hooks local to their respective plugin throughout modules
3.10.1 更新日志:
Added Large/Medium/Small Christmas gift to Christmas event loot pool (blacklists them from flea when outside of event)
Added system that checks for and adds missing hideout crafts to profile when player starts game
Fixed airdrops not spawning without the use of a red flare
Fixed player character breaking after using the gym
Fixed issue where the player cannot exit the raid due to the Airdrop patch failing
client/hideout/workout endpoint no longer returns effects data
Due to LFS limitations on github we have compressed the locations data and stored it in project\assets\compressed\database\locations.7z, this is extracted on first run of server in debug mode or via the new npm: database:decompress server task
Moved majority of code into handleModEvent to help modders handle custom events via method overriding
Added forceSnow to seasonal mod event system
Modder guidance
3.10.0 更新日志:
Map to map travel
Mortar strikes (disabled by default – can be enabled via mods)
Balancing changes
Sound changes
Factory rework
New quests
New boss – Partisan
Weapon resting
Hideout Gear rack
Hideout Cultist circle
New weapons and equipment
Zombie event (disabled outside of Halloween event – can be force-enabled via mods or VERYSPOOKY
SPT friend code)
Stash item pinning/locking
Added custom in-raid RAM cleanup tool
Runs when player opens any inventory page
Opening an inventory page takes 0.25 seconds, we run RAM cleanup code with a fixed run-time of 0.25
seconds that does what it can in the time allowed
Our testing has shown it keeps the RAM usage down enough to play through a raid
This problem occurs in Live but due to how few bots spawn in PvE its not as bad
Added migration system for 3.9.8 profiles:
Will NOT work for profiles that use Custom Quests/Custom Traders/ Custom items
Will delete all messages from chat bots and PMCs
No support is provided on discord for anyone having problems when using a 3.9.8 profile
Added new quests
Added support for map to map travel system
Added support for item return system when traveling between maps
Added radar parts airdrop event system (disabled by default, causes game to hard crash on exiting raid)
Added Cultist Circle hideout area and simulated live behavior:
Approximated system for rewarding needed items for completing hideout upgrades/crafts, its not 100%,
but close
Added system to give specific rewards, controlled via hideout config
Variable craft time based on items sacrificed
Sacrifice time can overridden with value set in hideout config
Added support for Equipment storage hideout area
Enabled PMC karma system
Doesn't gain/lose karma when performing actions – no code exists in client to do this
Fixed at 0.2
Partisan will spawn and be hostile to player
Added new boss bossPartizan to server data and code
Added new equipment to PMCs:
Weapons (M60 + variants/AA-12/Desert Eagle)
Various armors/headsets/helmets/weapon mods
Added new difficulty values to bots to support tripwires
Added system to support opening twitch 2024 gambling boxes
Added config toggle to keep daily quest type when replacing them
Removed Visit site to buy this labels from clothing and stash expansion UI elements
Added STREAMERLOOT gift code
Added SPLASH gift code
Added STASHQOL gift code
Added 500CIGARETTES gift code
Added VERYSPOOKY SPT friend code – force-enables Halloween + zombies
Added tiered flea system:
Disabled by default
Allows items to be locked from purchase until player is a specific level
Offers 'show' in flea but cannot be purchased
Comes with some values i have been playing with during my testing playthrough
Enabled via ragfair.json/tieredFlea config
Added additional weapon mods to PMCs
Added more contributor names to PMC pool
Added a lot of items to reward pool blacklist (e.g. Secure flash drive v2, Radar station spare parts)
Halloween – Added Tagilla to laboratory
Significantly expanded seasonal event system:
Added ability to enable/disable certain sub-events during seasonal events via seasonalevents.json config
Can control bot hostility per event
Added April 1st event
Lightkeeper quests do not correctly reward items in live PvE, we have added a workaround to make it
work for SPT
Added ability to define a minimum magazine size per gun and per bot level via config
Added various weapons to this system for level 25+ PMCs to ensure they have magazines with a minimum
size of 30
Added ability for PMCs killed by player to remark on the map they died on + added some PMC responses
that involve the location
Added removeInvalidTradersFromProfile to core.json config to allow cleanup of invalid trader data in
profile – e.g. custom traders when mod is uninstalled
Implemented per-game-edition quest filtering and blacklisting system
Added Documents with decrypted data to rewardable item blacklist
Migrated SPT to use PvE mode instead of PvP
Provides a lot of functionality as a baseline, requiring less manual implementations by SPT
(e.g. airdrops/BTR)
Deleted or modified over 50 module patches
BSG changed a lot in how offline raids work
Rewrote insurance handling system to support new raid start/end process
Rewrote raid start system
Rewrote raid end system
Rewrote scav raid entry system
Rewrote how scav exfiltrations are processed, they should now correctly show only scav/coop exits
Updated trader assorts to match live
Updated Ref items to better match live
Updated quests + added new quest icons
Updated new profile templates:
e.g. Include cultist circle level 1 on new unheard profiles
Updated flea market handling code to match changes from live
Regenerated bot loot/equipment using only 0.15.x data (over 100k bots were used)
Regenerated location static/dynamic loot data using only 0.15.x dumps
Regenerated static container ids for all maps
Removed pmcConfig.chanceSameSideIsHostilePercent config property and code that uses it, now
implemented inside every maps base.json
Expanded pmcConfig.maxBackpackLootTotalRub to work per PMC level
PMCs have more expensive loot items in their backpack at higher levels
Removed unused singleplayer/settings/raid/endstate endpoint
Adjusted PMCs to start healing when further away from danger
Added Secure flash drive v2/v3 to reward blacklist
Updated how bonus money is calculated in quest rewards to be more accurate
Added coreConfig.features.chatbotFeatures.sptFriendGiftsEnabled, default true
When listing an item on flea, the avg/max/min values no longer take trader values into account
Improved how flea system gets average offer price
Reworked Weather simulation
Weather can change mid-raid, occurs every 15/30 minutes
In-raid temperature now takes into account time of day and current season
Significantly reduced amount of cloud cover on average
Significantly reduced amount of fog on average
Improved emulation accuracy of hydration/energy lost when using Gym
Added support for bots to have night-specific equipment and weapon mod weights
PMCs use NVGs at night
Rogues use NVGs at night
Prevented required items on repeatable quests being given as rewards
Reduced extract requirement count from daily/weekly quests
Added Case with precision tools quest item to single spawn only list
Prevented T7 thermals from spawning on PMCs below level 67
Improved the error shown when the stash size has been altered by a mod incorrectly
Added mod_tactical001/mod_tactical002 to PMC randomisation pool
Added Sealed letter quest item for Postman Part part 1 to spawn once in a raid, (now has 4 possible spawns)
Blacklisted mortar strike signalling device from reward pool and Fence
Added Gzhel/Surv12/Sugar to list of items to not reduce in price as quality/uses drops (same as live as
they're used in crafts/quests)
Christmas – Increased chance of gifter bot on customs/factory
Blacklisted spare radio parts from reward pool
Expanded seasonal system to include new late_autumn/early_spring and adjusted season start/end dates
Moved AUTUMN season to start on 15th of October to better match live
Blacklisted Infected strike from reward pool
Adjusted Halloween event to end on 10th of November
PMCs will now “sleep” when far away from the player – consuming less CPU resources
Reduced time winter is active due to how half-implemented it is
Improved accuracy of raid times to better match live values
Added more weapons to sealed weapon crate pool
Updated flea prices
Adjusted level 46+ PMCs to have headset 85% of the time instead of 50%
Fixed some items appearing on fence that shouldn't (e.g. dogtags)
Fixed incorrect VALID_REASONS_TO_ADD_ENEMY value inside shooterBTR bot
Fixed recursion when using GetData() synchronously
Fixed looting the same weapon from a non-bot source causing ID conflicts and corrupting the profile
Fixed season override property not being correctly used
Fixed flea having very long PMC names
Fixed airdrop crates having the incorrect icon
Fixed bot rig generation system sometimes filtering out all rigs from allowed pool
Added edge case handling for when bots are generated without a name
Prevented notification popup when a scav tries to shoot a weapon with incompatible ammo
Fixed edge case where custom traders without labs-specific failure messages would still return insured
Fixed hydrateLookup() storing data from handbookPriceOverride with incorrect parent keys
Fixes parentId errors on game start
Fixed airdrops causing a full client crash at end of raid
Added forced loot system to LootGenerator service, can now explicitly define what items it contains
Refactored addUpdateInventoryItemToProfile() and added addMissingPresetStandItemsToProfile()
Added helper function itemHelper.getRandomisedAmmoStackSize()
Made plugin classes public
Renamed 10+ patches to better explain their purpose
Improved random loot box system to support rewardTypePool instead of rewardTplPool
Added cultistCircle object to hideoutConfig
Updated IHideoutStashItem properties to be lowercase
Renamed inraid.json config property from scavExtractGain to scavExtractStandingGain
Added new config values to weather.json, generateWeatherAmountHours and timePeriod
isCultistCircle property is no longer saved into every profile craft object
Cleaned up confusing airdrop enum usage
Added ability for RepeatableQuestRewardGenerator.generateReward() to use reward item blacklist
Added ability to generate client/match/local/start response without generating loot
Removed ProfileSnapshotService
Added InMemoryCacheService service
Added hostilitySettings object to pmc.json config to control how PMCs interact with other bot types
Added nullguard to setTraderUnlockedState()
Added ability to know if raid is at nighttime programatically
Updated a LOT of interfaces to start with letter I
Added inventoryHelper.isValidMongoId()
Added config option forceRigWhenNoVest to bot.json
Added ability to track profile migrations in profile
Added mongoid item validation to 39x profile migration
Added simulateItemsBeingTaken property to insurance.json config
Added ability to control storage time of insurance returns to insurance.json config
Added ability to programmatically blacklist specific bot gear tpls by level via bot.json config
Added call to handleModEvent() inside updateGlobalEvents() to allow easy overriding for custom
Removed unnecessary SNOW seasonal event, handled by seasons instead
Added ability to ignore price variance based on item quality via ragfair.json config
Added enabled property to seasonal events to allow easy disabling
Added nonMaps property to configs/location.json
Added framework for custom surveys
The SPT Launcher now stores a copy of assembly-csharp.dll as assembly-csharp.dll.spt-bak instead of
CWX,Kaeno,CJ,Lacyway,Wafflelord,TetrisGG,Stealthsuit,Archangel,Alex McAuliffe,W1ngZ,crustyselenium
注意:僵尸事件(在万圣节活动之外禁用 – 可以通过 Mod 或 VERYSPOOKY SPT好友代码强制启用)
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