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    【SPTarkov】SPT-AKI 3.7.0 – 26282 正式版(街区拓展版本) 【23.10.09更新】【逃离塔科夫单机离线版】

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    【SPTarkov】SPT-AKI 3.7.0 – 26282 正式版(街区拓展版本) 【23.10.09更新】【逃离塔科夫单机离线版】







    1. 逃离塔科夫单人离线版是由SPTarkov项目组开发并免费分享,请遵守相关协议条款。

    2. 请确保你的电脑物理内存达到或是超过16GB,虚拟内存设置为物理内存的1-1.2倍,以免出现“客户端”崩溃的问题。

    3. 不要有中文路径,在登陆器的设置页面点 设置文件和缓存文件清除(打去验证补丁的,拜托全覆盖,别只替换一个EXE),避免卡松树页面。

    4. 不要开着加速器的全局模式玩离线版;离线版是纯本地化运行的模拟器, 不需要你加速减少延迟

    5. 不要使用老版MOD,切记,切记,切记一定要匹配版本的MOD。

    6. 不要使用老版存档,架构已变,如果你有编译知识,可以尝试移植存档。

    7. MOD存放位置:USER/MODS文件夹内;注意,请不要将不相干的文件仍在MODS文件夹内,比如MOD压缩包等。

    8. 玩 单人离线版,多备份存档(存档位置X:\SPT-AKI XXX\user\profiles),遇到坏档的问题自行还原备份。

    9. 不要用鼠标去点服务器窗口内,会给你卡着的,如果遇到此类问题,按下回车或重开服务器

    10. 请勿使用修改过的客户端玩 逃离塔科夫 线上版,也不要同时开着线上和离线,否则导致的一切后果自负

    11. 从 SPT-AKI 1.4.0 血色边缘版开始,SPT项目组就不再对WIN7/8/8.1的老系统做系统兼容启动会直接闪退。

    12. 每次更换新版,建议去离线版登陆器的“设置”里清理临时文件/还原游戏设置可以避免很多问题。

    13. 解压请使用“7Z,Winrar,Bandizip”解压,Windows系统自带的解压会导致解压不全的问题。



    .NET Framework 4.7.2           新人必装 

    .NET 5.0 Desktop Runtime (v5.0.0)  新人必装(部分MOD工具需要用到)

    .NET 6.0 Desktop Runtime (v6.0.4)  新人必装

    (SPT-AKI 2.2.2或以上版本必装)

    感谢社友:坐标交叉的星云 编写:


    感谢社友:Wind_L 编写

    【科普】【SPT-AKI】正式版(B系列,A系列通用) 安装教程     新人必看           

    离线修改教程版块   新人必看(认真看对修改很有帮助)

    服务端配置详解(3.5.0)     新人必看

    感谢社友们提供的各种方案:     离线版疑难解答区“置顶帖”点击查看    新人必看
    感谢社友:wowoka 分享: 利用process lasso 优化内存,避免内存爆炸   游戏会闪退的建议挂载此软件
    感谢社友:_物是人非 分享: SPT-AKI管理器   一键更改端口/过验证/等(3.0.0开始请重命名服务器/登陆器EXE文件将“AKI.”删除)

    注意:从 SPT-AKI 1.4.0 血色边缘版开始,SPT项目组就不再对WIN7/8/8.1的老系统做系统兼容启动会直接闪退。







    • MOD建议下载适配3.7.0的版本。

    • 兼容3.6.X版本的存档,更早版本的存档建议重开。

    • SPT项目组在“3.7.0BE”10月5日第二次更新中往服务端里加了PNPM,本地使用JSON5 JSONC 等功能(详情请自行查看3.7.0BE的更新日志

    客户端 :

    (SPT-AKI 3.7.0 正式版 使用  客户端

    官方下载链接: 客户端     (请右键复制下载链接,使用迅雷/IDM之类的软件下载)

    百度云盘分流: 客户端     由社友 飲歲Yelsai 提供

    迅雷云盘分流: 客户端     由社友 飲歲Yelsai 提供

    大小: 23261105240 字节
    MD5: 535EBC987CE950322FAFD477A1D9FCF3
    SHA1: 545EAFF313B3A550FA8302C07C127740063D3585
    CRC32: 33B36EDD

    3.7.0  更新日志:


    • RARE: Sometimes you'll start a map with no extracts, the only way to escape is to press alt+f4

    • Some quests need PMCs to spawn in map locations with no bot spawns, making them impossible to complete (e.g. kill x PMCs in scav fortress/base)

    • Selecting the overview tab as a scav can break your client – workaround: alt+f4 to escape

    • Your active flea offers are marked as expired when the server is offline and items are returned in the mail

    • Flea categories don't always show the correct number of offers when filtering by item

    • Extracts are not the same as live, scavs can spawn in PMC spots

    • The server will not load when placed in a folder path containing Unicode characters (Japanese and Korean characters especially)

    • Looting a PMC dogtag doesn't always show their name on the post-raid kill screen

    • Some high level quests have trader assort unlocks with placeholder prices

    • Insured quest items that are consumed in a quest can be returned to the player


    • BSG have blacklisted a lot of high-level items from the flea. You can disable this blacklist by using a mod/editing configs/ragfair.json/dynamic/blacklist/enableBsgList/false

    • Rogues are insanely difficult, their behavior is the same as live

    • Tagging items in raid with special characters, e.g. , or ” can corrupt the profile on exiting the raid

    • Using horde mode on maps such as Customs will cause large numbers of sniper scavs to spawn together in clumps, avoid using horde mode on all maps except factory

    • Receive All shows when nothing can be collected from mail

    • The first time you turn the generator on inside the hideout causes a bug where the client asks for it to be switched off instead of on, clicking the power button on/off again fixes this

    • Completing some quests does not immediately open up another quest. Some quests have multi-hour waits before appearing on a traders quest page


    • Added new AI (bossBoar, bossBoarSniper, followerBoar)

    • Added new quests

    • Added new USEC clothing item

    • Added approximation of BSGs container randomization system (can be disabled per map in configs/location.json)

      • Can be disabled globally

      • All settings for randomization can be found in configs/location.json/containerRandomisationSettings

    • Implemented new BSG functionality

      • Added inventory quick-swap functionality

      • Added equipment preset functionality

      • Added default presets functionality

      • Added sell all items to fence button for scavs post-raid

      • Added additional weapons, ammo and equipment

      • Added weapon stand to hideout

    • Regenerated map static + dynamic loot with additional loot data

    • Regenerated bot weapons/equipment/ammo with to include new items

    • Show server mods loaded on launcher

    • Show mods the current profile has used on launcher

    • Tarkov settings for SPT are now stored in spt/users/sptSettings instead of AppData

    • Added small chance for PMC groups to spawn at start of lighthouse raid

    • Added 15% chance PMC weapons have a random enhancement

    • Added config property inraid.json/keepFiRSecureContainerOnDeath to allow items in Secure container to persist their FiR status after player death

    • Added system to allow insertion of loose spawn positions via config:

      • Added numerous missing keycards around various maps

    • Added system to allow spawn position spawn chance adjustment via config:

      • Made marked rooms have significantly higher chance of loot across various maps

    • Added system for changing default scav brains for other AI types, e.g. tagilla/raiders etc

      • Found in bot.json/assaultBrainType, turned off by default


    • Significant effort went into supporting 3.6.x profiles in 3.7.0, your profile should be migrated when you log into 3.7.0 for the first time

    • Updated majority of quests (not all) using data from new wipe

    • Updated majority of trader items (not all) using data from new wipe

      • A small number of trader assorts unlocked by completing high-level quests are missing, we have written functionality to add the item to the trader with the price of 6969 roubles instead of leaving it blank

    • Updated quest values and prerequisites

    • Reworked inventory stack splitting code

    • Reworked inventory item transfer code

    • Reworked inventory auto-sort code

    • Reworked fence

      • Sell more live-like items (fewer rare items)

      • Sell ammo

      • Sell guns with parts missing

    • Reworked how all bot loot item chances work, loot count can be configured per container (vest/pocket/backpack)

    • Added item 'packs' to flea market (bulk items) sold by PMCs

    • Launcher changes

      • On first start prompt the user if they want to copy their live settings to SPT

      • Added a Wipe profile on start checkbox, will be hidden when a wipe is pending

    • Quest system changes

      • Don't show quests with failed standing requirements to player (e.g. Compensation for damage x)

      • Set correct status to time-gated quests in profile (should prevent quests with a wait time showing as ready to accept until client restart)

      • Remove quests with invalid status of 0 from profile on game start

      • Improved how failed quests are processed

      • Removed all TerraGroup trail quests (they're no longer supported by the 13.5 client)

    • Made developer profile start with level 3 weapon stand

    • Made all hideout crafts/upgrade take 40 seconds on developer profiles

    • Made hideout wall appear when player has crafted level 1 med station and water collector (after restarting client)

    • Increased spawn chance of Reshalas GoldenTT pistol

    • Player scavs have different AI behavior compared to normal scavs

    • Updated car extract base standing gain to 0.4

    • Reduced marksman bots always spawning with wallet/wz wallet/keychain in their pocket

    • PMC changes

      • Adjusted PMC difficulty settings to take advantage of new behaviors/mechanics added by BSG in this patch

      • PMCs have a standard account more often

      • Added additional clothing options to PMCs

      • Adjusted PMC weapon mod pool to reduce chance guns generate with errors

      • Made PMC weapons and equipment not found in raid

      • Made PMC dogtags found in raid

      • Made PMC loot found in raid

      • Made PMC items they bring into raid not found in raid (magazines/healing/grenades)

      • Adjusted PMCs to spend longer investigating

      • Made hard/impossible PMCs run away from other AIs grenades

      • Adjusted PMC aiming to avoid shooting arms on easy/normal and focus on torso

      • Stopped converting crazy assault event scavs into PMCs

      • Allow 2×2 sized loot items to appear in vests

      • Don't set FiR for magazines or medical items (e.g. bandages) stored in pocket slots of PMCs

      • Added more modders as PMCs

    • Improved how weapon optics are chosen for weapons based on their type, this should reduce the chances an SMG is generated with a long range scope on PMCs

    • Slightly increased allowed alive bot counts on the larger maps

    • If a bot spawns with a muzzle device, significantly increase spawn chances of subsequent muzzle devices on bot (will reduce times bot spawns with empty muzzle adapters)

    • Updated Dutch server translations

    • Updated Russian server translations

    • Updated French server translations

    • Updated Polish server translations

    • Updated Chinese server translations

    • Airdrop changes

      • Blacklisted a number of boss-only items

      • Blacklisted far-forward gps item

      • Blacklisted cultist knife and KATT melee weapons

      • Hardened code to prevent them from killing game client if airdop system breaks

    • Disabled E6_1,E5_6 streets extract to match live

    • Reduced issues with crafting items in Lavatory area

      • Won't reset its timer when you perform an inventory action

    • Now show an error in server window when a folder named src, db or user are found in root mod folder

    • Made changes to launcher to accommodate non-English languages

    • Adjusted bot waves on streets to better spread them out over new expansion area

    • Fence improvements

      • Randomized weapon/armor repair kit offer resource value

      • Lists keys below 15k roubles to mirror live behavior

      • Randomized key offers remaining uses

      • Blacklisted currency from being assorts

    • Lighthouse changes

      • No longer need DSP in hand to cross bridge

      • Optimized mine processing and bridge state checking

    • Slightly optimized loot generation speed

    • Adjusted every maps loose loot multipler based on analysis of live data, all maps have been bumped up

    • Blacklisted additional armbands from scav case reward pool that can only be obtained via quests

    • Blacklisted randomized loot containers (new years gift/pumpkin/sealed weapon) from scav case

    • Improved accuracy of validateNickname()

    • Improved accuracy of selectProfile()

    • Added Sanitars Bag to scavcase reward blacklist

    • Increased average number of bots on larger maps

    • Removed unnecessary pokhim hobo quest fix from server

    • Modified server start message to inform player not to close it while playing

    • Increased bloodhound backpack loot pool to reduce seeing same items over and over

    • Included more possible slots types to the insurance mod item removal code

    • Reworked insurance item packaging and mailing code (Thanks to Refringe):

      • Takes into account weapon mod prices when deciding what should be removed

      • Tighter check for what items can be removed (should fix pistol grips being removed)

    • Optimized module lighthouse check code

    • Made getQuestMoneyRewardBonus() also take into account hideout management skill level

    • Globally blacklisted 5ae089fb5acfc408fb13989b test_consumable (bsg test item)

    • Scav cases are now limited to 1 stack of money per reward rarity pool, should reduce times your rewards are all money


    • Fixed PMCs having no vest loot

    • Fixed under-barrel grenade launchers sometimes not finding a valid ammo and falling back to default

    • Fixed an issue where item couldn't be found on insurance page

    • Fixed lootable magazines sometimes having incorrect ammo count in them

    • Blacklisted 63dbd45917fff4dee40fe16e (PlaceOfFame_Stash_1)

    • Fixed Airdrop loot not being flagged as found in raid

    • Fixed buying certain weapons on the flea with low durability being added to your stash with full durability

    • Fixed bot drum mags from their pockets emptying into one large stack

    • Fixed splitting a FiR stack not carrying over its FiR status to the new stack

    • Fixed splitting a stack of items brought out of raid that have no stack count causing a server crash

    • Added 648c1a965043c4052a4f8505 to global item blacklist (the item description explains it is a drug tested on monkeys! likely a bsg test item)

    • Quest system fixes

      • Fixed repeatable hand-over quests losing their progress after a client restart

      • Fixed radio transmitter quest item appearing on lighthouse in multiple locations at the same time

      • Fixed Compensation for damage x quests showing when trader standing is not below activation amount

      • Fixed server being killed when applyQuestReward() cannot find the quest to give rewards of

      • Fixed trader rep not adjusting until client restart after handing in a quest with rep as a reward

      • Fixed issue with completedConditions not being cleared from player profile post-raid when a quest failed (fixes Bullshit)

      • Fixed server erroring when it can't find a repeatableQuests object in profile

      • Fixed Compensation for damage quests checking loyalty level instead of standing

      • Updated Insomnia to include labs

    • Fixed game client gradually caching your map loot and ignoring the new loot you generate

    • Fixed opening ammo packs inside sealed weapon containers being Found in raid, but the ammo not

    • Fixed bug where player would pay for mods and not receive them buy still pay (items were not accessible to player due to trader standing)

    • Fixed new attachment trader message tooltip showing when it shouldn't (new profiles only)

    • Fixed messages sent to sptFriend disappearing

    • Fixed buy preset items listing items you can't buy and charging you for them

    • Fixed car extracts not giving fence rep

    • Fixed flea not displaying correctly when viewing offers for weapon presets

    • Fixed bots being generated with unnecessary hideout data

    • Fixed adjustWeighting() not processing bot.json add data correctly

    • Fixed assault scav equipment adjustments for level 1-2 not working

    • Fixed game client not reflecting trader rep loss upon failing a quest

    • Fixed trader dialogs showing items to collect where there's nothing to collect

    • Fixed 30x29mm VOG-30 being in wrong scav case blacklist

    • Fixed clicking on raid location > map > ready causing client to soft-lock

    • Fixed incorrect handling of ammo in packs found inside static containers (e.g. ap-20 boxes having only 20 rounds instead of the expected 25)

    • Fixed weapons being given invalid buff by removing unused weapon damage buff from repair kit buff options

    • Fixed loot containers being counted as fixed spawn points if they contained a single quest-flagged item

    • Fixed Rogues always shooting USEC players on sight

    • Fixed USEC players never becoming neutral with Rogues after shooting them

    • Fixed sealed weapon container giving blacklisted items

    • Fixed isOfBaseClass() not being able to find certain Template ids

    • Fixed some loose loot positions being made forced when they shouldn't be

    • Fixed flea offers listed in a pack only selling 1 of the packs contents and leaving a phantom offer in 'my offers`

    • Fixed some edge cases relating to money being taken out of your secure container first instead of from stash when paying for goods/services

    • Fixed player offers that were slightly over the average listing price have their sell chance always drop to 25% or less

    • Fixed quests with unfulfilled loyalty/standing requirements showing after accepting a quest

    • When packaging up items to send in a mail to player, don't assume the first item in the array is a 'base' item

    • Removed broken WeaponDamage from possible weapon buff pool

    • Fixed applyMoneyBoost() not picking up quest statuses

    • Fixed SPT server being generated without compression, reduces its size by 40mb

    • Fixed bug in code that handles adding fallback magazines to a bots inventory when the chosen magazine doesn't fit

    • Fixed missing server icon

    • Fixed repairItemByKit() passing repairConfig.applyRandomizeDurabilityLoss as the parm to set if the repair was being performed by a repair kit for updateItemDurability()

    • Correctly use repairConfig.applyRandomizeDurabilityLoss when repairing items using a kit


    • Big rewrite of the example mods build system courtesy of Refringe: https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/chomp/ModExamples

    • Added ability for mods to pull in custom NPM packages on server start

      • Add package name to package.json/dependencies and the server will use PNPM to grab it

      • Defaults to disabled, requires user to change core.json/autoInstallModDependencies to true

    • Upgraded server to use NodeJS 18.15

    • Reworked server build script gulpfile.mjs

    • Lots of changes to support building on linux

    • pmcData.Stats changed, its now pmcData.Stats.Eft

    • Moved PMC settings out of bot.json and into its own config file pmc.json

    • Added useProtobuf to IGameConfigResponse

    • Added IsAlwaysSpawn to ILootBase

    • Added DO_RANDOM_DROP_ITEM to bot difficulty values

    • Moved SPTUSEC enum value to 38

    • Moved SPTBEAR enum value to 39

    • Updated client/handbook/builds/my/list response object

    • Updated ProfileChange to include new properties weaponBuilds and equipmentBuilds

    • Added properties to map base.json BotSpawnCountStep BotSpawnPeriodCheck BotStartPlayer GlobalContainerChanceModifier NonWaveGroupScenario

    • Updated Metrics properties

    • Updated ILootBase isStatic to be isContainer

    • Updated HideoutAreas to include WEAPON_STAND WEAPON_STAND_SECONDARY

    • Replaced EventOutputHolder builds with weaponBuilds and equipmentBuilds

    • Changed TradeHelper.sellItem() to accept 2 profiles, 1 with item to sell, other to accept money from selling

    • Added hideoutAreaStashes property to profiles

    • Changed AID to be numerical – BSG have started checking this value is numeric, long term this should become the primary profile ID to use in place of session id

    • Added minFillLooseMagazinePercent and minFillStaticMagazinePercent to configs/location.json

    • SPT PMCs have the IsStreamerModeAvailable property set to true, its used by the a module patch to differenciance between a scav and our PMCs

    • Bots generation object has changed strucuture, not uses weights instead of min/max values

    • Removed addSpawnedInSessionPropertyToItems() call on successful raid, we trust the SpawnedInSesion value of the objects passed back from client instead of blanket setting everything

    • Made bot generation uses values from botconfig.presetBatch instead of botconfig.botGenerationBatchSizePerType

    • Added new property to bot.json to allow adjustment of bot ammo/equipment by player level

    • Added system to allow blacklisting loose loot locations by map and id to location.json

    • Updated getGameConfig() to correctly send aid as number, not string

    • Set profiles hideout.seed property to have a randomised value on profile creation

    • Created new loot.json config to hold new loot-related properties

    • Log to players screen when client cant find difficulty settings

    • Made BotDetailsCacheService cache bots by name and side to improve their uniqueness

    • Massively simplified HealthController.healthTreatment() (post-raid therapist healing handling)

    • Removed slotIdsWithChanceOfNotReturning from insurance config

    • ReverbVolume in ITemplateItem is now optional

    • Added missing property ChanceGroup inside Location.json/customWaves/boss

    • Added randomiseMapContainers dictionary inside match.json

    • merged ragfair.json/dynamic/price+presetPrice into new object ragfair.json/dynamic/priceRanges

    • weather.json/clouds changed structure to accommodate weights

    • Moved addCustomLooseLootPositions() into GameController load() event to ensure it only runs once on server start and not on every player game start

    • Moved jsonc from devDeps into deps inside package.json

    • Extracted bot appearance generation code into new function setBotAppearance()

    • Added allowMultipleMoneyRewardsPerRarity and allowMultipleAmmoRewardsPerRarity to scavcase.json





























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