请注意需要 https://sns.oddba.cn/97049.html 才能简单使用
这个MOD对于我的商家 (MFACSHOP – ALICE) 提供 4 个新的 前握把让您财顾。
1. 前安装我的 MFACSHOP ( https://sns.oddba.cn/97049.html )
2. 把 zip档案打开后放进你的user/mods/文件夹。
/user/mods/yBCM wrong sided grip/
1.0.3 版 – 加入4个前握把
1.0.4 版 – 改善翻译
Maybe the FDE version could be translated as "沙色"(sand/desert coloured),the word is widely used among mil-game and mil-sim players specifically to mean FDE. The brown version could be "黑土色"(the colour of black earth) or "深棕色"(dark brown), currently “黑土地” means just black earth/black soil, I mean the soil itself.
(The current translation could be a little bit confusing since both colours are translated to the same word in Chinese, although players can just look at the item and see the colours lol)
Also, "(reversed)" could be better translated as "(反向)", which means "installed in the reversed direction" here.
PS. love ur mods XD
Can I provide other data versions?
(e.g. reduced recoil -5%)