New balancing changes to #EscapefromTarkov.
As an experiment, we have removed the “Found in Raid” requirement for placing offers on the Flea Market for PvP and PvE modes. We will closely monitor player feedback during the event, and make additional balancing adjustments if necessary.
● Adjusted loot balancing on all locations except Streets of Tarkov;
● Adjusted loot balancing on locations: increased the chance of rare loot spawning in locked rooms.
Adjusted inertia strength, base stamina capacity, and overweight limit:
● Reduced base inertia strength by 20%;
● Increased overweight limit by 15%;
● Increased base stamina capacity by 15%.
Successfully executed Gym QTEs give more skill points.
● Increased the number of AI Scav spawns on Interchange;
● Adjusted the number of slots on the Flea Market for all reputation levels;
● Added 9x19mm PBP gzh for sale at Prapor LL4;
● Increased the selling value of PMC dogtags.
As part of the in-game event, the requirement of TerraGroup Labs access keycard to enter The Lab has been removed.
机翻:新的平衡变化为#EscapefromTarkov 。
作为一项实验,我们已删除在 PvP 和 PvE 模式的跳蚤市场上放置物品的“突袭中发现”要求。我们将在活动期间密切关注玩家反馈,并在必要时进行额外的平衡调整。
成功执行健身房 QTE 可获得更多技能点。
●增加了立交桥上 AI Scav 生成的数量;
●添加了 9x19mm PBP gzh 在 Prapor LL4 出售;
●增加了 PMC 狗牌的销售价值。
作为游戏内活动的一部分,进入实验室所需的 白卡 要求已被取消。