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    KMC Modpack [AKI 1.5.1]

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    I apologize for the long wait time, there was a lot of trouble when it came to updating my old mod pack and so I and the team decided to recode the entire mod – at the same time, I did some texture optimizations to lower the size of the modpack in addition to tweaking some things here and there. Some of the ammunition stats may not be correct or may need some fixing so I will try to fix them as best as I can when I can.  Me and the rest of the people in KMC hope to make everyone happy with our modpack however finding models to import into the game is hard, and we're understaffed. If you're interested in working with us, I'd be glad to have you :) 

    @Emcee Witch Doctor and I are Partners in crime doing the brunt of the work for this mod.

    However, with fine gentlemen like@Le_Kaiju@SamSWAT

     @HKM4  @A T L A S  and @Cheekiest Breeki this mod would have taken much longer and may not have even been possible.

    Thanks to @jc980, xclmnsx, and @RHabiliment  for providing models and textures for the GP-21 Civilian Gas mask, tactical belt, AN-94, and GSCI TIG-7-MOD-64.


    This mod is for AKI 1.5.1

    16 New Helmets    

    Gentex SPH-4/BP Helmet (Visor)
    Gentex SPH-4/BP Helmet (Covered)
    Gentex DH-132 Combat Vehicle Crewman Ballistic Helmet
    NCR Ranger Combat Helmet
    Mk 6A Combat Helmet
    Lastimosa's Pilot Helmet
    D3 UAC Marine Helmet
    Special Forces Recon Tactical Helmet
    Virago Enhanced Combat Helmet
    MSA TC APH – OD Green
    MSA TC APH – Black
    MSA TC APH – Tan
    Castle's Lightweight Enhanced Combat Helmet
    OmniStat Field Agent Mask

    Spartan Ranger Helm

    7 New Masks   

    S10 CBRN Respirator
    GP-21 Civilian Gas mask
    Small Gas Mask 'PMG’
    OPS-CORE Special Operations Tactical Respirator
    Avon FM53 Mask Assembly

    Deathstroke's Ballistic Face Mask

    11 New Equipment and Gear Mods 

    Galvion Fast MT Mandibles – Black and Tan

    M-003-A Active Noise Reduction Module (Can be attached to the SPH-4/BP helmets, the DH-132,  the NCR Ranger Combat Helmet, the Special Forces Recon Tactical Helmet, and the MSA TC APH helmets)
    HUNK's Low Light Near-Infared Night Vision Suite (Can be attached to PASGT – HUNK helmet)
    FAST Multicam Cover (Attaches to FAST helmets and the MSA TC APH)
    AN/PVS-21 (Attaches to all helmets with NVG mounts)
    Peltor ComTac 4 Headset
    Spartan Ranger Helm Face Shield (Attaches to Spartan Ranger Helm)
    OmniStat Low Light Infrared Vision Suite (Attaches to OmniStat Field Agent Mask, DOOM 3 Marine helmet, and  NCR Ranger Combat Helmet)
    Castle's Custom Panoramic Night Vision Goggles (Attaches to all helmets with NVG mounts)

    GSCI TIG-7-MOD-64 Elite Grade Tactical Goggles (Attaches to all helmets with NVG mounts)

    4 New Tactical Belts (They actually work now! However you will have to manually open in order to use)

    Umbrella Corps Load Bearing Tactical Belt
    ATS Tactical Gear War Belt
    Tactical Belt (Black)

    Tactical Belt (Multicam)

    4 New Body Armor 

    First Spear Siege-R Optimized Body Armor (Black)
    First Spear Siege-R Optimized Body Armor
    Castle's Punish-R Customized Plate Carrier

    T3 Geronimo 2 (G2) Plate Carrier

    9 New Tactical Rigs 

    Hunk's Load Bearing Tactical Vest
    Umbrella Corps Load Bearing Tactical Vest (Black)
    Condor Modular Chest Rig
    Barska VX-500 Tactical Vest
    LBT 6094 Plate Carrier
    Eagle Industries Land Combat Integrated Releasable Armor System
    Eagle Industries Maritime Combat Integrated Releasable Armor System
    LBX Tactical Armatus II 4020 Plate Carrier

    Castle's MC-BSS-MK2

    9 New Firearms

    AN-94 – 5.45x39mm
    AN-94P -7.62x39mm
    (Ported from RHabiliment's AN94
    Wages of Virtue M6-IA5 – 6.5x39mm Grendel
    (Based on KCH Wages of Sin)
    General Dynamics RM277 NGSW – .277TVCM
    Tavor 7 – 7.62x51mm
    GM6 Lynx – 12.7x99mm BMG
    XM109 – 25x59mm
    MP5/10 – 10mm

    STM-40 – .40mm / .357 

    2 new special attachments

    M-lok handguard for Tavor 7 

    Wrapped suppressor for Wages of Virtue M6-IA5

    And a new Trader to sell it all! 

    Gospozha – “The Mistress”


    Level 12 and €11.5K


    Level 22 and €21.75K


    Level 32 and €32k


    Known issues : 

    Kinda broken AN-94 hand animations while firing 
    SOTR has no icon

    Some of the textures don't exactly match any of the color/camo schemes 

    Not compatible with KCH Wages of Sin 

    To-do/Work in Progress : 

    Fix textures 
    Fix broken models
    Add more armored vests & tactical rigs
    Add more guns! (trust me, we have a lot more guns planned ;) )
    Add new medical items
    Add new throwables 
    Add new barter items 
    Add quests to the trader

    Further sort out the trader loyalty levels.


    The Katto – Making the mod

    Le Kaiju – The continuation of this mod, at least at the current state, would not have been possible without him.

    MC Witch Doctor – Literally the second owner of this mod. Can't thank him enough for helping me make this mod possible.

    SamSwat, Killa#0001, HKM4 (Thành)#9212, A T L A S – Helping me with the bundles and textures. Also teaching me.

    Vampyrn – Creating the code to modify pockets.

    Jc980, xclmnsx, RHabiliment – Providing model and texture for the GP-21 Civilian Gas mask, tactical belt, AN-94, and GSCI TIG-7-MOD-64.

    Infinity Ward – Models & Textures

    Capcom – Model & Textures

    Bethesda – Models & Textures

    Ubisoft – Models & Textures

    Danger Close Games – Models & Textures

    4AGames – Models & Textures – Based on the novel Metro 2033 by Dmitry Glukhovsky.

    That's all folks. Hope you enjoy :) and stay tuned for our next mod version

    KMC Modpack [AKI 1.5.1]KMC Modpack [AKI 1.5.1]KMC Modpack [AKI 1.5.1]

    Please… do not reupload my mod pack without permission  KMC Modpack [AKI 1.5.1] 

    If you want to talk to me, feel free to. I would like to talk to you all. If you are interested in helping out please message me on the guilded, or here (however my response time will be slow)




  • 再看把你射墙上借楼提交个BUG : Tavor7这把武器在战局中发生机械故障时 不能手动修复, 然后就一直卡着持枪状态 也无法切换其他武器了~继续游戏只能硬抗着跑到撤离 其他武器都能正常修复机械故障~~有没有大佬解决一下 [s-36]
    拉黑 3年前 电脑端回复
  • The_KattoI will hopefully resolve this issue once I upload the 2.0.1 version of this mod.
    拉黑 3年前 电脑端回复
  • 18993606945这个能兼容3.2.4吗
    拉黑 2年前 电脑端回复
  • 兔子是兔子不是秃子@18993606945 同问( )
    拉黑 2年前 手机端回复
  • wangjingkun问一下,这个是支持3.5.7的吗
    拉黑 1年前 电脑端回复
  • wyh983397 @The_Katto 百度云链接失效了
    拉黑 1年前 电脑端回复
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  • jinitaimei踢一脚,大佬补档了
    拉黑 3年前 电脑端回复
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